Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Exams over!

I've finished my exams! & I'm in kuching! XD XD

it's always a very funny feeling when exams are over. for one thing, it feels a long time ago since I did my exams. another thing is that it feels hard to believe that I just went through those 3 hour exams that were considered as sth similar (but much milder) to Judgment Day for me lol & time juz passes so fast. But I'm really glad the horrible 3 hrs are over (for the moment. still got next year).

it's more that I always felt as though I manage to somehow bypass the hard moments. but atm, I can still rmb how it felt like in the exam hall, so I haven't completely forgotten yet ;-) not that I particularly want to remember how it felt, but it's rare that I still remember it vividly enough, compared to my other faint memories of certain hardships

Also, I got completely distracted at one point when studying. You see, I was thinking about the subjects I failed. I failed the same paper twice. For both times, it was the last exam I attempted. On my third attempt, I passed. But I failed another paper. Which was the last exam I attempted.

& because I had no idea why I failed on my second attempt or passed on my third attempt, I couldn't help thinking that it could be that I failed because I relax just because it is the last exam, in which case it's all my fault for not taking my last exam seriously enough! o_O;;

of course, I knew this was all my imagination & just a horrible coincidence caused by my overimagination. & the fact that I was poor at those papers I failed proved that there was a justification for failure (somewhat). it was still a possibility though.

most of the time I felt depressed though. or rather, thoughts like "I'd have to marry someone just like charlotte did (reference from pride & prejudice) because I'm gonna fail again, & I don't know how many times I'll keep failing, & when I'll ever graduate, & I'd need someone to support me financially."

Of course, I knew it wasn't as bad as all that, & I don't really need someone to support me, but those were still my thoughts. I did think rationally too though, like "The worst case is that I graduate in 2011 (actually it could be worse than that, but I wouldn't wanna insult my intelligence that far, even though I know it has nothing to do with intelligence. it just feels related to my intelligence, or the lack of it).

Some other thoughts were probably regarding the papers themselves, comments etc. Which I can't remember at all.

Oh! Because I knew I was going to kuching, I liked cheering myself up with the thought that in xx days, I'd be on a plane~ ^__^ although kuching itself doesn't feel like a big deal or much of a holiday, but it's the idea of sitting on planes that I like. I like being in airports, as in, when departing to another place. It fills me with excitement somehow. I still haven't been to the airports that many times to lose that feeling. My mum did say though, that I wouldn't feel that way if I was travelling all the time, or as often as some people who have to (bcos of work), & dislike travelling because of it. Actually my mum is one of those people lol but I dun think she minds travelling on holidays as much.

Anyway, although I like the idea of sitting in a plane, actually I don't really like being in a plane. Sometimes the smell feels too strong for me & makes me sick >_> I don't remember having such a problem last time, but in recent years, it has happened more frequently.

I probably bored lots of people edi, should have mentioned that I was just going to crap about stuff.

oh, I also wanted to say, it's so strange. Cos I feel a bit different this time after exams are over. As in, normally I'd be happy. Ridiculously happy. Happy in the sense that I'll just be laughing for no reason on & on just because. Ok fine, not that long. & not the kind of laugher that's caused by suddenly seeing something funny. More like "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA" (similar to the way the giant went FEE-FI-FO-FUM). You should be thankful we're not family members haha

So, I was laughing, but in a milder way. I feel a bit different this time. I feel mildly happy, calm, peaceful, FREE~ *_* and happy! and... and.... empty. Why? I dunno, I just feel empty somehow. Like my brain has nothing inside it, & is incapable of doing strenuous (mind) activities. Actually, it's not true though, as in, I'm sure I'm perfectly capable of utilising my brain. In fact, my mind feels very active atm (probably caused by the lack of work it is doing).

As usual, I'm bad at ending my posts, so here's a pic to end it ;-D

early xmas present that I got before my exams XD I liked the way the boxes look (I <3 how presents look anyway), so I had to take pics ;-D

make that 2 pics lol. I never expected to get chocs for xmas, but this chocs are rather special, you see. They're TRUFFLES *__* & never sold before previously, so my mum bought them for my siblings & I. The last time I ate truffles was when I was 8, & those truffles were from America, so it's not like I expected to eat them again (cos I didn't expect them to come here, after so many years).

Monday, November 30, 2009

I'm not blogging till after exams T____T which is actually 16 days from now *dies*

What I wanted to post, but didn't post, last week...

I've been neglecting my blog lately ;-( because of some intensive classes during last week & weekend till this week, so I haven't had the time nor the strength to blog. Actually, I did want to blog, but got distracted (it's ps fault), so fine, it's not that I couldn't blog. Although it's true that with all this studying & revising, nothing else comes to mind except studies-related stuff.

Actually, not true again. There were thoughts that went through my mind, & disappeared as abruptly as they came. But even if I could remember them, I didn't think they were very interesting, although who said a blog needs to be interesting anyway.

... & that's where I stopped, & didn't write anymore haih. It's sad when something sucks you dry & leaves you feeling totally empty somehow. I didn't use the computer at all last week, so you could say I was trying to get rid of my distractions, but it didn't work that well either.

I got sick <------ just an update if anyone's interested. I'm still coughing even now T________T

I was gonna post some stuff that isn't original but easier for me to post, things that I like & wanted to share with others, then I changed my mind cos it was wasting time, but now I changed my mind again lol

I'm posting it in the next post, just because I want to give a special title for it, hehe XDD

... as in, next post, the post below this post, because if I put it in the next post on top of this post, some ppl wouldn't see this post, & then it'd be like, why am I writing this anyway? on the other hand, why are people reading this anyway. so yeah, just close this page & do something more fun, that's what you should do.


lyrics from the movie Sweeney Todd (Todd being Johnny Depp XDD & Lovett being Helena Bonham Carter XD both people I like)

I'm not good with explanations, & I thought people wouldn't mind reading this & that they wouldn't feel lost just reading this kinda thing, but if I'm wrong, sorry then. You don't have to read this, it's just something that I like & wanted to share.

MRS. LOVETT: Seems a downright shame...
TODD: Shame?
LOVETT: Seems an awful waste...
Such a nice, plump frame
Wot's 'is name has...
Nor it can't be traced...
Bus'ness needs a lift,
Debts to be erased...
Think of it as thrift,
As a gift,
If you get my drift!


Seems an awful waste...
I mean, with the price of meat
What it is,
When you get it,
If you get it...

LOVETT: Good, you got it!

Take, for instance, Mrs. Mooney and her pie shop!
Bus'ness never better using only pussycats and toast!
And a pussy's good for maybe six or seven at the most!
And I'm sure they can't compare as far as taste!

TODD: Mrs. Lovett, what a charming notion
LOVETT: Well, it does seem a waste...

TODD: Eminently practical
And yet appropriate as always!
LOVETT: It's an idea...

TODD: Mrs. Lovett, how I've lived
Without you all these years, I'll never know!
How delectable!
Also undetectable!
LOVETT: Think about it!
Lots of other gentlemen'll
Soon be comin' for a shave,
Won't they?
Think of
All them

TODD: How choice!
How Rare!

TODD: For what's the sound of the world out there?
LOVETT: What, Mr. Todd?
What, Mr. Todd?
What is that sound?
TODD: Those crunching noises pervading the air!
LOVETT: Yes, Mr. Todd!
Yes, Mr. Todd!
Yes, all around!
TODD: It's man devouring man, my dear!
BOTH: And [LOVETT: Then] who are we to deny it in here?

TODD: (spoken) These are desperate times,
Mrs. Lovett, and desperate measures are called for!
LOVETT: Here we are, now! Hot out of the oven!
TODD: What is that?

LOVETT: It's priest. Have a little priest.
TODD: Is it really good?
LOVETT: Sir, it's too good, at least!
Then again, they don't commit sins of the flesh,
So it's pretty fresh.
TODD: Awful lot of fat.
LOVETT: Only where it sat.
TODD: Haven't you got poet, or something like that?
LOVETT: No, y'see, the trouble with poet is
'Ow do you know it's deceased?
Try the priest!

TODD: (spoken) Heavenly!
Not as hearty as bishop, perhaps,
but then again, not as bland as curate, either!

LOVETT: And good for business, too -- always leaves you wantin' more!
Trouble is, we only get it on Sundays!

Lawyer's rather nice.
TODD: If it's for a price.
LOVETT: Order something else, though, to follow,
Since no one should swallow it twice!
TODD: Anything that's lean.
LOVETT: Well, then, if you're British and loyal,
You might enjoy Royal Marine!
Anyway, it's clean.
Though of course, it tastes of wherever it's been!
TODD: Is that squire,
On the fire?
LOVETT: Mercy no, sir, look closer,
You'll notice it's grocer!
TODD: Looks thicker,
More like vicar!
LOVETT: No, it has to be grocer --
It's green!

TODD: The history of the world, my love --
LOVETT: Save a lot of graves,
Do a lot of relatives favors!
TODD: Is those below serving those up above!
LOVETT: Ev'rybody shaves,
So there should be plenty of flavors!
TODD: How gratifying for once to know
BOTH: That those above will serve those down below!

LOVETT: (spoken) Now let's see, here... We've got tinker.
TODD: Something... pinker.
LOVETT: Tailor?
TODD: Paler.
LOVETT: Butler?
TODD: Subtler.
LOVETT: Potter?
TODD: Hotter.
LOVETT: Locksmith?

Lovely bit of clerk.
TODD: Maybe for a lark.
LOVETT: Then again there's sweep
If you want it cheap
And you like it dark!
Try the financier,
Peak of his career!
TODD: That looks pretty rank.
LOVETT: Well, he drank,
It's a bank
Never really sold.
Maybe it was old.
TODD: Have you any Beadle?
LOVETT: Next week, so I'm told!
Beadle isn't bad till you smell it and
Notice 'ow well it's been greased...
Stick to priest!

(spoken) Now then, this might be a little bit stringy,
but then of course it's... fiddle player!
TODD: No, this isn't fiddle player -- it's piccolo player!
LOVETT: 'Ow can you tell?
TODD: It's piping hot!
LOVETT: Then blow on it first!

TODD: The history of the world, my sweet --
LOVETT: Oh, Mr. Todd,
Ooh, Mr. Todd,
What does it tell?
TODD: Is who gets eaten, and who gets to eat!
LOVETT: And, Mr. Todd,
Too, Mr. Todd,
Who gets to sell!
TODD: But fortunately, it's also clear
BOTH: That [L: But] ev'rybody goes down well with beer!

LOVETT: (spoken) Since marine doesn't appeal to you, 'ow about... rear admiral?
TODD: Too salty. I prefer general.
LOVETT: With, or without his privates? "With" is extra.

TODD: What is that?
LOVETT: It's fop.
Finest in the shop.
And we have some shepherd's pie peppered
With actual shepherd on top!
And I've just begun --
Here's the politician, so oily
It's served with a doily,
Have one!
TODD: Put it on a bun.
Well, you never know if it's going to run!
LOVETT: Try the friar,
Fried, it's drier!
TODD: No, the clergy is really
Too coarse and too mealy!
LOVETT: Then actor,
That's compacter!
TODD: Yes, and always arrives overdone!
I'll come again when you have JUDGE on the menu!

LOVETT: (spoken) Wait! True, we don't have judge yet,
but we've got something you might fancy even better.
TODD: What's that?
LOVETT: Executioner!

TODD: Have charity towards the world, my pet!
LOVETT: Yes, yes, I know, my love!
TODD: We'll take the customers that we can get!
LOVETT: High-born and low, my love!
TODD: We'll not discriminate great from small!
No, we'll serve anyone,
Meaning anyone,
BOTH: And to anyone
At all!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Another thing that pisses me off

Today I want to rant about my brother. I've never done that before, right? Well, that's because I always feel like a bitch when I do that, but seriously, he's damn annoying. It's like, he brings out the worst in me at times. The men in my family are very capable of doing that.

I also wanted to record what happened, to show what an inconsiderate jerk my brother is, but then I realised that it'd be better if I didn't actually reveal the details of the situation for my own sake more than his, so I have to give a hypothetical situation instead (trying to pertain to the real story as much as possible), so you'd have to forgive me if it isn't as accurate, or rather, if he doesn't seem as inconsiderate & selfish as he really is.

Ok, what happened has to do with the Internet, so I'll just tell a situation that has happened before (just that it didn't make me as angry & upset compared to what really just happened). I just asked for his help to download something? Of course he didn't bother with me. No, one favour is too much too ask, I'm sure.

I know that when people share computers, & the Internet & all that, we have to be tolerant, inconsiderate, bla bla bla. & yes, probably if you knew the full story, you'd be saying that I'm selfish & inconsiderate also (what my father said), but I don't see in what way am I selfish, since I helped if there were any favours anyway.

& this situation is a bit different from downloading, because he didn't have to do a damn thing! He just needed to be patient for a little while, but even that he couldn't do! & he complained that I jammed up the comp because of the program that was running, without even considering how much his stupid game site jammed up the comp in the first place! A classic example of unreasonable people with their irrational thinking.

Anyway, I don't really have much heart to drag this on (it seems that I'm unable to be as long-winded as I once was). That was basically what happened, & I was quite affected by it. & there're lots of other things about him (obviously) that have pissed me off, but I feel it clashing with my blogging ethics (huh, it's funny that I have any) about posting stuff that is considered private (like all these bloody family issues or political issues or religion issues).

So it's better that I stop now before too much damage is done. I guess I wouldn't like to hurt people's feelings? But sometimes they damn deserve it. & my dad has made me happy & also not happy at times, so I feel like I'm in a love-hate relationship with him, but can't help that. What I said in the post about him was also true though, so I'm leaving it for public viewing.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Love (the soulmate kind)

I've finished my exams (again), so I'm gonna blog as much as I like XD well, more like, as long as I like muahahahaha so be prepared for long-windedness! ;-D

This has been a topic that I've been debating on & off about whether to blog about or not, because I've actually been avoiding this topic, even though I love it so much, & people who know me would know that I can't help talking about it.

Cos let's face it, love is very necessary in this world. Just not the soulmate kind. Well, it's sorta necessary & yet isn't, cos there're people who don't find their soulmates (it's sad), but it's not so bad if you think about it since we were born alone in this world, & we'll die alone anyway (this is where religion comes in, which I would NEVER blog about, just thought I'd let you know that).

Well, maybe rather than love, I like talking about relationships, socialising, that kinda thing XD which is stupid, cos I suck at socialising (seriously, I'm actually rather shy T__T), & I haven't been in those kinda relationships before (don't ask me why >__>).

The funny thing is, I know that last time (like before 16 years old), I've always felt that there was something wrong with me, & I loved the idea of a soulmate too much to even be able to find someone in that way (if you understand what I mean).

As in, I wanted a boyfriend (probably like any other stupid teenage girl) but thank goodness I've grown up now, & it's like the stained glass that I've been viewing through has cracked, so now I'm seeing everything in a different light (well, not everything, I'm just trying to emphasise a point lol).

& it's partly thanks to someone that I've realised that I was in love with the idea of a soulmate, not that I loved anyone that way, & now I'm pretty happy being by myself (until the right one comes along, of course).

So yeah, I'm spilling my guts out just in case there are others like me who've felt the same way. Realise it please!!! ;-P then you wouldn't get into relationships that you would regret. Actually, I know quite a number who have regretted ;-( So I'm not just talking crap, I'm talking about real life people here, & it's advice well worth following ;-)

Anyway, when I said that I like talking about relationships & all that, it's more like I like talking about issues in a relationship, which before this, I've been applying in very general ways. Because most topics apply to general relationships & not pertaining to only those kinds, but in truth, I was thinking about the soulmate kind first, then comparing with any normal relationship (friends, family, that's basically it hahaha).

& although I said that I'll blog about it, because I haven't even talked about anything yet (that's called long-winded lol or also beating around the bush? but I don't consider it to be beating around the bush because I'm not purposely avoiding it, just giving a looonng introduction about it ;-P), so I'm just gonna talk about one aspect of the issues. It is common, applicable & (to me) interesting (actually, I may or may not talk about it, cos if it can be applied to general relationships, then I don't need to purposely blog it in this post, I can make a separate post pertaining to that issue only, & compare the differences when applied to the separate kinds of relationships).

So, what is love? A very hard question, but I like to think of love as a commitment, but it's obviously much more than that. As in, after that when you differentiate the different kinds of love, I find it very strange that love isn't all the same thing. Actually it is, but you can only have one soulmate love, that kinda thing. So it's different to me all the same. & I used to ask my mum countless times (it was hard to not ask), about what's the difference between soulmate love & other love, & it's so hard for me to understand where you draw the line (in the end, I never got a proper answer anyway. & she did say something, but I forgot, so, too bad).

Most people (including me) would prioritise on the attraction part 1st. Which I think is kinda obvious, cos even though I asked my mum that question, I kinda differentiated the soulmate love from the rest that way. That does seem to be the only thing that's different, since you have s** (why do I feel it's vulgar when I say it?!? lol jk, actually it's also cos I think I'll get spam if I put that word there T__T). Unfortunately, people shouldn't adopt this view unless you hardly feel attracted to anyone. Because that's how a lotta people make the wrong decision & assume a soulmate for themselves (or maybe they're just seeking gratituitous pleasure).

Basically, what I knew since young was that the soulmate kind was the kind you'd want to spend the rest of your life with. Sounds kinda heavy? Well, not to me, because I feel that I could tolerate living with someone else. It's just like having a roommate, but I guess it's not exactly the ideal thing people normally think of, whereas I feel quite content about it. Depends on how horrible your roommate is lol

Actually, after writing all that crap, I forgot to emphasise on what soulmate really is. Most people are on the impression that you'd know them when you see them kinda thing (like love at first sight). Sorry, but I don't believe in that. & even if you would sort of know, it's not such a strong feeling like that. More like, when you meet someone, you may feel a "kinship" with them. So it's kinda the same thing.

Anyway, I'm kinda tired, so I'll stop here lol to be more accurate, I've lost the flow cos I got distracted by other stuff (we all know how easy that could be). & yes, I'm sure there're people who disagree with me here & there, or even the whole thing, but that's normal. I didn't say it was an absolute fact or anything. All just my opinion. XD

Friday, October 16, 2009

A driving perspective

I only just realised lately how my way of thinking has changed now that I'm driving.

Supposedly people who drive know when it will be a traffic jam, at which areas & so on. I only know that if I go back later than 5, I'll definitely be slower going back compared to going home earlier. So I try to go back earlier, but sometimes classes prevent me from doing so.

I couldn't help wondering why I didn't notice anything when it was jam when I wasn't driving last time? Obviously it must be because I'm not driving, & it feels so much different driving in a jam compared to sitting in the car in a jam. Both I don't particularly mind, the only difference is that driving is not as relaxing as sitting in the car as a passenger. & my leg sometimes aches (even though my car is not manual)

Also, now that I drive, I start having urges to bang cars & people just because they annoy me. & I'm refraining from saying more because this probably portrays me in a more bad light already. Not that I care. I'm very unfeeling in this kind of circumstances. Especially when seeing some really horrible drivers on the road. Sadly, sometimes I'm a terrible driver too (occasionally!), so I'd understand if someone couldn't stand it & crashed my car or something.

Anyway, I was just kidding about what I said (refer previous paragraph). I'm a nice person (I think?), so I didn't really mean what I said. But it'd be better if we didn't meet on the road cos I WILL PROBABLY KILL YOU. Just kidding haha. Again. Unless you deserve it, then I'd see whether there was a way you'd be punished for whatever you did on the road. You can run but you can't hide. Except if you're the police. Then you're lucky (& I hate you).

Speaking of police, a police car cut into the line at a traffic light today, can you believe that? I don't see why you can't, but it's better not to speak badly about certain people (except in private & in my head, I'm definitely cursing you). And the police car wasn't using the siren or anything, so it should be considered just a normal car. But such is life. C'est la vie (does that make sense? I think I shall be using that phrase more now. It seems to be what I've been saying these days. Better than "never mind", I suppose).

I guess it's kinda funny how someone's perspective would differ depending on whether they're the driver or not. But of course, it'd be better if your perspective didn't change, although it's good to know different perceptions.

I wonder why I always end in this kinda way. But it's hard for me to end another way, so I guess this'll have to do. Maybe it's also cos I don't want to end my posts or something. These days I'm finding it harder to write though. Hopefully I won't get writer's block yet cos I still feel that I have hardly blogged.

Oh ya, public holiday this weekend ^__^ well, only on saturday, but still XD

Monday, October 12, 2009

Vertically Challenged

For those of you who don't know, I'm quite short. I'm just a bit above 5 feet (152 cm). Actually, I'm sure I'm not as short as many other people cos I seem to be a bit below average for an Asian girl at this age (average for me is supposedly around 5 feet 3 inches or 157cm).

But I was remembering how I wanted to grow taller when I was a child (every child seems to want that though lol). & I remember how many times I cried because I wasn't tall enough (it sounds stupid when I say it somehow).

If you're wondering why I cried, it's actually because I didn't grow up fast enough, & at the age when kids wanted to play this, & ride that, I was unable to because I didn't meet the bloody height requirement. & I remember looking up at the stupid requirement & think "I must definitely be that tall". Which happened to be 5 feet, so that's what I aimed for, & got lol

I think probably after that was when this height issue ceased to be so important, & I hardly think about it anymore now. What I'm occupied with (which most women would be occupied with) is my weight & fat, & I wish that one day I wouldn't have to bother with all these things, but I'm not sure whether that day would ever come.

Actually I wanted to write about all the times I sort of suffered (if you could it that) for being short. So that other people would know how short people feel like. But I can't really think of anything to say, except that I did get teased quite a lot for being short. & you can't stop people from being teased, it'll happen all the time. So that's too bad.

But if someone could see from a short person's point of view, that'd be great. But I doubt anyone could see anything from my post ^^;

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I envy people who are not sensitive sleepers. Because I am quite sensitive, & what I hate are certain noises waking me up >_> & I'm feeling particularly grumpy (what my family usually calls me), so you should be able to guess what happened

A good example is the dog next door. My room is sorta right next to it compared to the other rooms in the house. & I dunno what is wrong with the dog, but he tends to bark in the middle of the night. I'm not sure how often he barks because I don't wake up every single night because of his barking, but there are times when I do wake up & am unable to sleep because of him. It's probably the only time when I have this deep desire/urge to KILL HIM T_T or at least, injure him to the extent that he wouldn' t be able to make any sound for the rest of his life ^__^ I hope that didn't freak anyone out, but this is preparing you for future violent posts of my (supposedly) dark thoughts.

When I complained about being woken up to my mum, she started talking about adapting & crap like that. She's always very good at annoying me, especially when I'm in this kinda mood. It's even more annoying, making it sound as though it is so easy when it's not, & I've already adapted from not being able to sleep with the light on to able to sleep as long as I cover my eyes kinda thing, but I'm still pretty sensitive in terms of noise.

Probably what's more annoying is that, I've changed. Thinking about myself, I know I was a spoilt brat & I wouldn't be offended or upset if I was still called a spoilt brat now (unless it was unjustified & assumed by some idiots who are very good at jumping to conclusions), but seriously, I've changed since last time. & it was because of my friends, not because of my family. Sad rite?

& I think I mentioned it before, that my family didn't seem to notice. Well, too bad for them. I just feel so frustrated sometimes that I'd want to shout it out, that I'm not like that anymore. But since they assumed, & their eyes aren't opened to see it, I can only hope that they realise it one day, somehow. Although I doubt that it's ever going to happen, but I don't really give a damn anymore.

Actually, this was one of the reasons why I started blogging. Not because I'd want other people to know something that even my own family doesn't (because that's my family's main opinion about bloggers), but because I wanna complain (which actually I do in private in my own diary manually) about these kinda things & they don't seem to want to know about me anyway, so I'm just sharing my feelings with other people. & also hope that they relate to me. But even if nobody is able to relate to me, it's fine because everyone is different in some way or other, so it's not surprising to have different problems. But I do know that I share a lotta similar problems with other people, & it does feel better to let it all out, so this could also encourage other people to blog emo posts like me lol. I hardly blog emo posts anyway, so I don't see why anyone should be tired of seeing my emo posts. & if you're tired, don't read. Simple.

Going back to the topic of sleeping, supposedly adapting means you WILL be able to sleep even though you couldn't previously (my mum didn't even mention show, she just said adapt). Maybe my mind is not open either, but telling that to me does not help me adapt in any way, & actually, I've heard her say it before, many times last time, I just forgot all about it till just now, since it's been a long time since I actually expressed my frustrations in tolerating something like this

My conclusion: Don't bother talking to someone about something if it is sure to annoy you. In some cases, it's better not to talk about it as well.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cold feet

Lately, I mentioned "cold feet" regarding sitting for an exam, & then it got me thinking. I'm the kind of person who has cold feet. Literally. Not all the time, of course, but when the room or place is cold, my feet are one of the 1st things to feel cold. Feel cold as in when someone touches it it feels cold, not that I feel cold where my feet are concerned.

& I was thinking that I don't know anyone who has cold feet (literally) either, except my father. Which is why long ago I came to the conclusion that it was hereditary. My mum doesn't have cold feet, her feet are always nice & warm, & she likes my cold feet lol. I guess my parents pair up well in that aspect too hehe XD

I hope that wasn't considered something private, because I obviously didn't think of it that way T_T But sometimes I mention private things that shouldn't have been mentioned, but then so do others unto me, so I suppose it is a common mistake & can't be helped.

Although my feet are generally cold, I do not get cold feet otherwise. But I was thinking that whoever who made up that phrase must be someone who gets cold feet when they're scared of doing something, so that's how this phrase came about. It's probably a very common symptom just like sweaty hands (which I don't experience either).

Just another random thought ;-) albeit a strange thought o_O; lol jk ;-D

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I have a few not-so-random thoughts, as in, there're certain thoughts I have, which I have thought of since I was a child, & I can't help thinking about it occasionally, probably because these thoughts are related to life.

& because I just had an exam, I couldn't help thinking about it. I was grumbling, whining & complaining (in my mind & out loud) about exams as usual, & for the 10638th time I was thinking that I hate exams, & why can't there be such a thing as no exams in the world (such were my thoughts as a kid, I wished a lot of things didn't exist. Another thing I wish didn't exist was Monday lol).

Well, I knew why there was the existence of exams in this world since young. Do you? It's pretty simple (especially if you have enough time to think about it rather than study for the exam). But this is just assuming majority people are like me, even though I know that it may not be true.

If exams didn't exist, would you bother to study? I wouldn't, that's how lazy I am. Ok, maybe when I just started school, I didn't think about such things. I loved to learn new things, & I didn't think of exams as exams because I was very blur at the time, & I just answered questions to the best of my ability.

But when I started thinking more, about life & everything else, I couldn't help wondering, what was the point of all this? & it started getting all meaningless, & entertainment & games seemed more interesting.

Still, I'd defend myself by saying that I'd study hard even if there weren't such a thing as exams (an outright lie). But I did try last time, & even now I still believe (occasionally) that it is possible to excel in what you do even without having to go through exams. & yes, I know that exams are to test how good you are in something, & there shouldn't be a problem if you are good in it anyway. My dad says he loves exams *rolls eyes* & he said the reason why, but I'm not sure whether I should expose it lol

Anyway, wouldn't it be really nice if everyone were so good (morally & ethically) that they'd all study & work as hard as possible, so much that the need for exams will be extinguished one day? That'd be in my utopia one day ;-D

Friday, August 28, 2009

Selfish or Unselfish

Unselfishness was one of the first few things I remembered learning. Actually, it was also one of the hardest things for me to apply, because I used to be very selfish & self-centred. Which is why I was called "spoilt brat" a lot.

The funny thing is that now I'm less selfish, but my own family wouldn't even realise that (specifically one person), because they'd think that I never change bla bla bla & then they complain about me being nicer to my friends than family (which they've been saying since I was young anyway, & lots of other people feel say that too). But it's a bit harder to be nicer to my family when they seem to expect the worst from me sometimes.

Anyway, in one of my attempts to be a better person & be more unselfish (if I was ever unselfish last time), I couldn't help thinking, if I'm unselfish, & usually being unselfish implies some sort of sacrifice on your own part for someone else, then isn't the other person being selfish? A common example would be in a game of baseball/basketball/football/badminton (doubles)/tennis (doubles) & most other ball games (but not for table tennis doubles because you take turns to hit the ball anyway lol), the 1st person will say "You take it (supposedly being unselfish, but that person could be avoiding something possibly tedious or inconvenient)," & the other person would say "Oh no, YOU take it" & the ball will end up in the middle, something like that (it's shown in quite a number of movies too).

To me, unselfishness could be in the form of sacrificing something tangible or intangible. For me, it started with food. It was hard for me to give something I liked to eat to someone else, cos at that time I hardly ate much. Unfortunately, probably the reason why I don't mind doing so anymore is because I eat so much now T_T but ignore that lol which is why it applies to games also, because it is not easy for anyone to have a chance to play, especially when so many people wanna play.

Unselfishness is also linked with consideration for other people, but then again, I think all these values should link to one another in some way or other. & technically, I guess you could say that the other person (if it was direct & not indirect) couldn't be called selfish either, because it's only right that they should accept the 1st person's unselfishness gracefully & thank the person for it.

I hope I made sense, but if not, never mind. I usually wouldn't like to talk about this kinda topic (as in, values & all, since I hate moral lessons, but that was for a different reason lol) but it was just something that I thought about since young, & I'd tell my mum about it (I think I was trying to defend my selfishness lol), so I wonder whether anyone ever thought it from that perspective. Maybe it depends whether you were a selfish person more or unselfish person more. ;-P

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Blackmore's Night

This is the 1st time I'm recommending a band ;-) & normally I don't like to put their picture because I feel it causes people to be biased or prejudiced. But then I thought it'd look nicer having a picture in the post rather than none, to introduce them, & I was looking for something that would give me the feel of blackmore's night. This was the closest to what I felt lol

They're a band specialising in the medieval kind of music. If you really want to know more, you can always search for it in wikipedia.

I recommend Ghost Of A Rose & Under A Violet Moon ^__^ I'd be very happy if you listened to it & told me what you thought, but the thoughts are not necessary because I don't have much opinion to voice out either other than the fact that it's nice & I like it lol

the guitar playing is good though, for those who appreciate it... & their style is pretty much the same if you listen to more of their songs, but I'm the kind of person who'd like a style, so if I like a certain artist, I tend to listen to all or most of their songs if their style doesn't change ;-D

my dad called me old for liking this group lol cos at their concerts, only older people attend (range from middle age to elderly). I couldn't think of anything to say in my defense haih

you see, because of my different taste in music, I wouldn't think of recommending any songs or people that I listen to, because I doubt that other people will like it, so there wouldn't be any point in recommending. but the few previous posts that I have done (I only remember two, one is gackt & the other is hyde lol) is more like a declaration of how strong my feelings were, & in a way, how much of a fan I am because of that.but I have quite strong feelings about this group too, when listening to their songs, & I felt the need to recommend them ;-P

& yes, my taste is different, once again, but I'd call this good music whereas the other music that I listen to which I enjoy, I wouldn't have the confidence of calling it good, I'd just say it's not bad, but then again, I'm not the kind to compliment ^^; so you know what it means when I'm complimenting this group ;-P but actually, it's again because of my father, if he didn't listen to it, I wouldn't have heard the songs at the same time, & because he thinks all the music (or most of it) that he listens to are good music, that's why I wouldn't hesitate to call it good, based on what he says ;-) but the reason why he says that the music he listens to are good is because lots (& I mean lots) of people love it, & they're normally the best selling famous songs.

This group is a bit unknown though, but well known in other parts also, so I thought I'd share ;-D hope you like it!

PS: btw, my results came out edi ;-( I failed 1 paper again, but at least it's not the same bloody paper anymore yay! lol

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Extract from 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'

Did I ever mention that I like to read storybooks? Well, I do, it's just that I never bothered to mention it, also because I read a lot less the past few years ;-( & because I started reading chic lit, but the feeling I get when I read chic lit & other stories are different. Which is why I purposely read chic lit, but I'm not gonna elaborate on that.

& the reason why I never mention to anyone (generally) that I like reading is because I don't think people would associate me with reading, which is fine, & also because I don't know many people who enjoy reading. So because we obviously don't share that same interest, there's no need for me to mention it. The same reason why I don't mention my other interests that are not typical.

But because I've been highly influenced by my friend, who loves phrases & extracts, I decided to post an extract that has made a great impact on me since I read it.

'The most important thing we've learned,
So far as children are concerned,
Is never, NEVER, NEVER let
Them near your television set —
Or better still, just don't install
The idiotic thing at all.
In almost every house we've been,
We've watched them gaping at the screen.
They loll and slop and lounge about,
And stare until their eyes pop out.
(Last week in someone's place we saw
A dozen eyeballs on the floor.)
They sit and stare and stare and sit
Until they're hypnotized by it,
Until they're absolutely drunk
With all that shocking ghastly junk.
Oh yes, we know it keeps them still,
They don't climb out the window sill,
They never fight or kick or punch,
They leave you free to cook the lunch
And wash the dishes in the sink —
But did you ever stop to think,
To wonder just exactly what
This does to your beloved tot?
"All right!" you'll cry. "All right!" you'll say,
"But if we take the set away,
What shall we do to entertain
Our darling children! Please explain!"
We'll answer this by asking you,
"What used the darling ones to do?
How used they keep themselves contented
Before this monster was invented?"
Have you forgotten? Don't you know?
We'll say it very loud and slow:
THEY . . . USED TO . . . READ! They'd READ and READ,
AND READ and READ, and then proceed
TO READ some more. Great Scott! Gadzooks!
One half their lives was reading books!
The nursery shelves held books galore!
Books cluttered up the nursery floor!
And in the bedroom, by the bed,
More books were waiting to be read!
Such wondrous, fine, fantastic tales
Of dragons, gypsies, queens, and whales
And treasure isles, and distant shores
Where smugglers rowed with muffled oars,
And pirates wearing purple pants,
And sailing ships and elephants,
And cannibals crouching round the pot,
Stirring away at something hot.
(It smells so good, what can it be?
Good gracious, it's Penelope.)
The younger ones had Beatrix Potter
With Mr Tod, the dirty rotter,
And Squirrel Nutkin, Pigling Bland,
And Mrs Tiggy-Winkle and —
Just How The Camel Got His Hump,
And How The Monkey Lost His Rump,
And Mr Toad, and bless my soul,
There's Mr Rat and Mr Mole —
Oh, books, what books they used to know,
Those children living long ago!
So please, oh please, we beg, we pray,
Go throw your TV set away,
And in its place you can install
A lovely bookshelf on the wall.
Then fill the shelves with lots of books,
Ignoring all the dirty looks,
The screams and yells, the bites and kicks,
And children hitting you with sticks —
Fear not, because we promise you
That, in about a week or two
Of having nothing else to do,
They'll now begin to feel the need
Of having something good to read.
And once they start — oh boy, oh boy!
You watch the slowly growing joy
That fills their hearts. They'll grow so keen
They'll wonder what they'd ever seen
In that ridiculous machine,
That nauseating, foul, unclean.
Repulsive television screen!
And later, each and every kid
Will love you more for what you did.
P.S. Regarding Mike Teavee,
We very much regret that we
Shall simply have to wait and see
If we can get him back his height.
But if we can't — it serves him right.'

XD I <3 this kind of rhymes, but of course that's not the only thing I liked about Roald Dahl, but his rhymes did make me laugh. Even now, they put a smile on my face ;-)

I hope to post more extracts next time ^__^

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Kuching, Sarawak

It was my 1st time to ever set foot in East Malaysia lol ;-D

It felt like a small town (it is, I think), & I think it's obviously more quiet & peaceful there than here.

It was horribly hot for me though >_> It felt like it couldn't get any hotter than that, but I know that's not true, & there are much hotter places around, but really, it's like the sun was beating down on us T_T only during the afternoons though, it's quite cool during the nights & mornings (nice breeze ^__^).

It seems there's only kolo mee there most of the time, & hardly much else ^^; But that's regarding food. Although it's recommended for people trying to diet, especially for fussy people like me, because there's nothing much to eat (as in, the variety), & because you'd rather not eat sometimes ;-P

Regarding other things, there's probably not much else too lol no nightlife, everyone sleeps early, but then, so do I, so it's not really a problem... not as early as when the shops close, which were like, 8??? But I'm the kind of person who'd be happy at home with a book or a computer (preferably online, but not necessary), so of course I didn't mind the fact that there was no nightlife ;-)

Oh, if you go there, you'd notice that there are A LOT of cafes around (but actually, they're just coffee shops like the ones here). I only can remember Friendship Cafe & Palm Cafe, cos Palm cafe was the nearest to where we stayed, & we ate there twice, & friendship cafe because it reminded me of the Friendster cafe in Sunway Pyramid, which I always thought was such a stupid name that obviously lacks creativity since it only opened way after itself. There was one called Thompson's Corner (didn't end with cafe at least, but it was another coffee shop). I liked the way his display looked cos it looked like it was comic sans lol oh! there was tarot cafe there too XDD always quite a lotta people whenever we passed it. For those who don't know, there's a comic series called The Tarot Cafe which I <3 ^__^

no, it's not a jet plane, it's a boat lol

the boats used for the race (not the one just now, that was probably just for display)

how the riverside looks ^__^

one of the most beautiful buildings in, I don't remember, Asia? I think it's a government building of some sort, excuse me for forgetting these trivial details ;-P

Friday, July 31, 2009

The way to become deaf

... or at least, one of the ways.

1. Must have some sort of noisy presence (which is either irritating or distracting or disturbing).

2. The noise lasts for quite a while (could be pretty long), prompting you to ignore the noise by listening to your ipod/mp3 player.

3. Blast your ears off trying to shut off the background noise, even if it gives you a headache cos it's so hard for the music to actually be louder than the noise.

4. 1-3 repeats, & after a certain amount of repetition, the level of deafness would continue to half-deaf, & finally fully deaf.

Indicators of deafness increasing: If you were listening at xx volume & you felt it was loud, & the next time you listened at the same volume it didn't feel loud enough, you're well on your way.

I think getting deaf is hardly a choice for me, because of all the noise around me T____T

That day in the showers

I've wanted to write about this, but I keep on changing my mind lol cos it doesn't feel like such a good thing, to write about oneself in the showers ^^; but I figured that it'd be fine, cos it's not like "oh, I showered, & I put this kinda shampoo, & that kinda soap, & I'm all clean & fuzzy now!" T___T

no, it's more like what happened at that time o_O;;

hahaha anyway, it'll be short, I promise ;-)

you see, the thing about Malaysia is that its season never changes ;-( which means that it's hot & humid all year around, & depending where you live, it either rains a lot, or rains less, it rains a lot at most places (as in, it has its rainy seasons).

so the thing about rainy weather is you tend to get a lot of insects & other creatures breeding because of the weather & the water

do you see where I'm heading? ;-P

well, for the bathroom in my house, although I've gotten sorta used to the insects that are in the bathtub, but thinking about it, it's just weird & I seriously wonder where they come from & why did they only appear later on in my life (it's not like the appeared since we bought the house, it was quite a number of years after that). But there could be lots of reasons for that.

Anyway, that's not the point, but all I'll say is, for some reason, occasionally there are cockroaches (which I'm scared of & I hate), & centipedes (HUGE ones, I'm not kidding >_>). The centipedes are the weird insects rather than cockroaches (cos cockroaches seem to be everywhere, not only the bathroom), & seriously, I get freaked out everytime I see one because it's like a surprise attack on me (I wear glasses, but obviously not when I bathe, so I'm pretty blind without them, so how am I supposed to see the bloody centipedes?!?!?!? not until they're too close for my liking T_T)

I still haven't wrote about that day wth?? Sorry, so what happened is that on that day, it was a bit weird, but not as bad as cockroaches & centipedes at least, so it was juz very irritating & annoying instead.

I was attacked by mosquitoes lol

Ok, that's not what happened exactly, but there were a LOT of mosquitoes in the bathroom that day. I have no idea why. The only possible reason that I thought of was that it may have been because of the rainy weather (still just an excuse tho).

So I spent a longer time in the bathroom that day, mainly killing mosquitoes & hardly focusing on bathing. I think I killed more than 20 that day lol seriously, I'm not kidding. The easiest way to kill mosquitoes is to wait for those stupid insects to hover/fly at a certain distance from the wall before you hit them XD

It was fun but tiring hahahaha hope this didn't freak/creep anyone out ;-P

Thursday, July 9, 2009


My classes started this week ;-(

The 1st week is always easier, & yet harder at the same time for me. Easier because the pace of the lessons is still compared to the future lessons, & harder because my brain is a bit sluggish after the holidays, & still not geared in study mode yet ^^;

I normally go to college around 7.20am because my classes start at 8. So I'd wake up much earlier because I don't like being sleepy in class, & I can be properly awake before I go to college. So I'd wake up around 6 something. That's how much time I take to wake up lol

Yesterday, I woke up in a very blurred state. Which is actually normal for me, & I was still half-asleep in my dream. & I kept tossing & turning in a very sleepy way, but in the back of my mind I was thinking, I must get up soon or else I'd oversleep (my normal thought process to get out of bed).

I managed to stumble out of bed (also normal) & headed to the toilet. On my way, I suddenly realised how dark it was around the house. To be more specific, I took notice of the fact that there was no light downstairs. This may not be of significance to other people, but to me it was, even in my sleepy state.

You see, at 6 something, my mum would have already left for work, & the light would be on downstairs. So, although it could be that my mum wasn't working, or that she forgot to switch on the light, but I had a nasty suspicion that it's not even 6 something (all this I was thinking through very slowly in my head. If you were there, you'd probably see my brain slowly moving)

So I looked at my handphone. & it was 2am =__= & I went to bed at 11 something, so it's funny that I actually thought I slept enough for the night

So I went back to sleep haha

The thing is, this wasn't the first time I experienced this. In my school days, I experienced it once too, & after that, I'd always check the time after I woke up before I actually got out of bed (I still do), but of course, we're all human, so at times I forget.

But I realised I was strange in this aspect, because I tend to wake up earlier before the alarm rings after a while of waking up at the same time every day. Like my dad actually. He wakes up around the same time every morning too. So I still think it's partly caused by my genes.

The other part is that I can't seem to stand being waken up, so much that I wake up before the time I'm supposed to wake up. At first, it was my dad waking me up, & I thought it was because of that, but when I started using an alarm clock (& now, my handphone alarm), I realised that it was the same thing, & I do sorta hate the alarm clock waking me up. But I don't mind my handphone alarm so much (cos I can play a nice song to wake me up). So I came to the conclusion that I just can't stand being woken up so much that I wake up earlier myself, voluntarily (in a way).

& occasionally for me, I wake up a few times in one night, thinking it's time to wake up, & realising that it's still too early. I think it's because I'm somehow paranoid that I'd oversleep, although I actually only overslept once in my entire life, & that was in Form 3, & my dad overslept too, so that's why he didn't wake me up. Talk about coincidences.

That's all I wanted to say. Feels kinda abrupt, but I'm not good at ending what I say, & probably that's also why I keep going on & on sometimes lol

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The importance of cars. & its players ;-P

This time I guarantee it'll be short lol. & why is that? Because it's about me, & I don't like going into lengthy details about myself (& there's not much to say about myself too ^^;). Just the summary (hopefully) is enough.

I seem to remember mentioning in my earlier posts that I'm able to drive now. Did I mention that I love it? ^__^ Well, maybe not love, but I do generally like driving (I feel a sense of deja vu, so I think I mentioned it, unless it wasn't in my blog somehow haha).

So, due to certain circumstances, I'm now able to have my own car. Yay! XD Before that, I was sharing my car with my brother, which I was fine with too, since I could use the car whenever I wanted & my brother didn't mind. He's so nice (most of the time, or at least, in certain aspects like this) ;-)

I'm lazy to explain the circumstances itself, but what happened was my dad gave me the choice to choose which car I wanted (the existing cars). But it was actually me choosing to use either my brother's car or my father's car. If I chose my brother's car, my brother will be using my father's car, & vice versa. So guess which I picked? XP



I picked my dad's car! Heh XD Did you guess right? ;-P

I had my reasons for choosing it, of course. To be honest, I'm more comfortable (& more careless ^^;) with my brother's car. The obvious difference between the both of them is their size. Let me just make it easier to understand by saying what cars they were. My dad's car is a Toyota Camry. My bro's car is a Hyundai Accent.



If the difference in size is not obvious, then all I can say is that the Camry is a bit wider, the Hyundai is like a normal long car to me (not that long, but average, not short, at least). The width matters more, I think, & I get nervous occasionally cos I feel like I'll scrape the side (& my dad admitted that he scraped the side a few times too, so he was warning me to be careful).

The main reason why I chose the Camry is because:

Camry has an mp3 CD player!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hyundai has an audio CD player ;-( So before this, when I was sharing the car with my brother, I begged my dad to let me buy a mp3 FM modulator (which satisfied me, because at least I can listen to my fav mp3), but I prefer an mp3 CD player. That's all. Actually, that's the only reason why I was so determined to use the Camry, no matter what. I believe that a person could get used to driving the car, so it's only a matter of time.

When I think about it, I feel that I'm quite different from most people. You can even call me weird lol but it just shows what my priorities are, in a way. But it's also always been a dream of mine ever since I started burning mp3 CDs, to play my own songs in my own car, & nobody commenting on how lousy the songs are.

I sorta have another reason for choosing the Camry, but it's a secret ;-P & it's a very small reason, hardly affecting my decision, so it shouldn't be counted anyway ;-D & now I've tired myself out from writing 2 blog posts in a day, so I'll stop now.

I'm not feeling very happy atm, & I was wondering y, & I think it's because I'm doing what I felt I should do (which I really should do), not exactly what I want to do, so I'm kinda stuck at a trivial problem. But no matter, hopefully I manage to finish faster the stuff that I should do first ^^;


I watched Coraline already XD

as you can see from the pic, it's actually a book by Neil Gaiman, but it's been made into a cartoon.

I don't normally watch new shows. As in, normally I see new shows at least 6 months after they've been released, but there were some that I watched that were relatively new. A few I've blogged about, but most of the time I don't bother, cos I do see a lot of movies, or at least, that's how it feels to me ^^;

But I really liked Coraline. & I'm having hols now, so I have time. & I'm also practicing not to write so long lol short & sweet is what I'm trying to accomplish ;-) Coraline feels like a typical story to me, but maybe I've read too many of these kinda stories lol

I like reading books (for the benefit of those who don't know that). It's just that I'm lazy, & I prefer comics over books, although 4 years ago I'd have chosen a book any day over comics. But the thing about seeing a movie/cartoon based on a book is that it makes you feel like reading the book. Only if you like the show, of course, or maybe it's just people like me, who are inclined to having an obsessive personality. Therefore, if we like something, we try to find out more about it, & it's easier if you know it's based on a book cos you can compare the details between the show & the book.

So I've always respected Neil Gaiman, even though I've never actually taken the time to read his books, but I know which books he wrote, & I'd read them if I could (the thing is, nowadays I've become more narrow-minded, & I only want to read certain kinds of books *coughpurelovestoriescough*), but I'm satisfied just listening to the storyline of his books because they're really interesting.

I hate spoilers, so I'd hate to give spoilers also, so although I really, really want to talk about Coraline, I'm not going to talk as much as I want to, but I figured, telling part of the summary of the story (at least, what I've seen from the cartoon, since I didn't read the book) wouldn't hurt. But for those who don't even want to know what Coraline is about shouldn't read it. You have been warned.

Basically, it's about this girl called Coraline (not Caroline, Coraline). & she has just moved with her parents to a new neighbourhood, although the house seems to be at least 150 years old & belonged to her grandmother, I think. So, as expected, she's not exactly happy. & being a kid (I'm not sure how old, & at times like these, age does matter in a show), she's easily bored. Her parents work at home, so of course they get tense & stressed up & have no time to entertain their own child (she has no siblings). So she explores around the house, meets her old & eccentric neighbours, & is irritated by a boy from the neighbourhood. So what else is new?

As it is in stories about old houses, it's a bit different, & what happened was, there was this door that was bricked up, but at night she woke up, disturbed by mice, & she followed the mice, & they went past the door, & surprisingly, it wasn't bricked up! So like any inquisitive child, she went inside, & followed the path, & she wound up in... exactly the same place as where she came from O_o;

& it was the exact same house, except that one portrait in the house was a little bit different (minor detail, something different about his eyes), so she didn't really bother. & she heard her mom's voice, calling her name, so she headed to that direction, & her mother's back was faced towards her, & when her mother turned around, it was obvious that she was her mother, if she didn't have buttons for eyes! That was a bit weird hahahaha gave Coraline a shock too, & she asked who she was, & the person replied that she was the other mother, & the other mother asked Caroline to call her other father for dinner.

To cut a long story short (not that long actually, it's just me being long-winded ^^;), she had dinner with them (probably couldn't resist the smell & taste of it, since she was hungry, & her real parent's cooking was very unsatisfactory), & after dinner, she fell asleep (with her other mother tucking her into bed), & when she woke up, she was back in her own room, not the other room which she slept in (the bedroom was different).

& there was proof that it wasn't a dream, but I won't go into detail. The thing is, although she did feel a bit uneasy on the first night, because her parents wouldn't believe her (obviously), she wanted (& managed) to go back to the other house the following night. & she was treated very well by her other parents, which made her compare her other parents which her real parents (naturally).

So what I was thinking was, I wonder who (because I could see it coming) would choose to live with their other parents? If it was a dream, at least she'd have really good, happy dreams every night, but if it was real, then it'd either be a dream come true. Or not. Because I felt cynical & suspicious about them being so nice. Maybe it's because the background music played was purposely composed to be a bit strange (not exactly what you'd call a happy tune). Or maybe it was because I felt that the other parents would have ulterior motives. Or maybe it's because I saw too many Twilight Zone episodes lol (I like Twilight Zone ^__^ & Rod Serling!! XD haha lol)

Anyway, although I didn't exactly expect this, but there was a catch in the story later on. She was given a choice to stay with her other parents, but at a price. The thing is, is the price worth it? Of course, because this is a children story, or even if not, it's those kind of story which must go a certain path, so she didn't stay with her other parents. But it just made me wonder how many people would choose the other parents (even if there is a supposedly small price to pay for it). & those thoughts kept on bugging me throughout the night.

If you're wondering why I was a bit affected by such a show, it's because I felt that I'd probably choose my other parents (& pay the price for it). & if it wasn't such a typical story, it wouldn't be so bad staying with my other parents either, just that you have to get used to them because I'm very sure they won't be perfect (or like they were when you first met them).

But I think I'll stop here, cos I wrote too much as usual, & this time I didn't manage to keep it short, but that's because it's hard to talk about the issue itself (the other parents thing) without mentioning the story. Anyway, I'd be happy if you thought a bit about this too ;-) But maybe in real life, people would either choose their real parents or their other parents, 50% each. But I doubt that, which is why I'm still wondering whether more people would choose the former or the latter.

PS: oh, & I'm someone who likes listening to OSTs, so I already downloaded this OST XD very nice, reminded me of Nightmare Before Christmas OST & also Alice (the game) OST, & I wanted to share this particular very short song. It's what the other father sang to her, I found it sweet ^__^

Other Father song

it's available for download, but you don't have to, you can listen there, but it's only about 2MB anyway, not hard to download at all, but only if you like it ;-) too short for me though ;-( but still sweet ^__^

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Things in common

You know, it's kinda funny, but I sorta remembered one of the things I wanted to blog about this morning. Or maybe it was just a dream, & not really something that I wanted to blog about (cos I was still half-asleep at that time), but I figured that it's ok to write something like this anyway. I'll try to keep it short lol.

One of the things that have always intrigued me in life is how some people are able to get along so well even though they have nothing in common.

That's what I wanted to talk about today.

A good example is my parents lol My dad is a doctor, my mum is a lawyer. One is doing science, the other arts. My mum would always say that she never understood science. My dad is (basically) good at everything, so I'm not gonna mention anymore about that. The bad thing about being good at everything is that you tend to get impatient easily, & have less sympathy for the slower & (no offense) stupider people around. Not that my mum is stupid or slow, but my point is, they really do feel like polar opposites. But as they say, opposites attract. & they do have things in common, but to me, it can be counted by hand.

Actually, rather than talking about couples with nothing in common, I wanted to talk about friends with nothing in common, cos that's actually quite common too haha. Hmm more like whether friends or lovers, as long as their personalities don't really clash, then it's fine even if they have nothing in common. But for lovers it's always harder, esp when you get married & live with them for the rest of your life, 24/7. But that just makes me think of family. & you're born in a family. You don't choose your family, unlike a spouse. So it's not uncommon to have clashing personalities or nothing in common between your family members. But we still live together (most of us, there are some who can't stand it & get out of the house asap tho). & even though I fight with my family members, I'm used to them, & obviously I love them, so why can't I love other people even though we're not family? Am I making sense here lol I got sidetracked again ^^;

Ok, so friends with nothing in common. I don't have many friends (sad rite), but my few friends are close friends, & I'm quite content with that, since I'm not particularly interested in what my friends call the "hi-bye" friends. So since I was young, most of my friends didn't have much in common with me, except for those kinda things like school & class, which is why we were able to spend that time together to get to know each other & develop our friendship. But once we changed class, school, that friendship sorta got distant. Which is normal, even if it's a bit sad. & it doesn't mean that we would've maintained our relationship even if we had lots in common because it'd be hard to keep in touch.

I guess I juz wanted people to think about this, although if you'd rather not, then don't, I can already imagine my father saying something like, "Why are you thinking about these kinda things? Nothing else better to do?" lol it really does seem like that, but of course I've got better things to do, this is juz another "food for thought" kinda topic, to me. And actually, what I REALLY wanted to say is, I never expected anyone to have much in common with me. But when you really meet someone who has a lot in common with you, it's a very wonderful feeling.

Which is why it seems easier to make friends online. & I do have a few friends online (very few), & obviously it's because of something we have in common. Mainly our interests XD So that's another nice feeling too, looking for someone who shares the same interests. But I don't do that anymore, cos I got tired of trying to make friends just for that purpose. But of course, I don't turn anyone away, I juz don't make the effort for the first move.

Anyway, that's about it. If not, I'd go on & on & on. & I still didn't really say what I wanted (I did, but was that really what I wanted to say? ^^;) As in, I really do feel happy with my close friend, but before that, I was happy too, even if my friend didn't share anything in common with me. I guess it's the feeling of company that I love, which most people love. Love XD <3 alright, I think I may be sounding a bit loony, so I'll go now ;-)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Movie characters (2008)

I've wanted to post this ever since Twilight came out. It's been more than 6 months lol it's not like all the things I plan to do are procrastinated that long tho ^^;

But this post will be short, cos I juz wanted to mention who I liked & why I liked them. Cos I just wanted to talk about my fascination for guys with long hair (with the exception of carlisle). ;-P

hmm I was gonna say at first that I dunno why I like guys with long hair (it's just a preference), & of course if they looked horrible with long hair, I wouldn't like it either. But I think I was influenced by someone a bit lol (as in, someone put the idea into my head that guys with long hair are so nice), & I started agreeing with her later on XD

anyway, since I mentioned carlisle, I'll start with him 1st:

from Twilight, acted by Peter Facinelli

This wallpaper has the most pics of him ^__^ anyway, when I first saw him, I really liked him, but that's probably because of his character, since he (the character) is a really, really, REALLY nice guy (or so it may seem lol). But I'm the kind of girl who tends to like the bad guy or the villain more (like the joker, but that's cos of heath ledger ;-P), so it's not often that I fall for a nice guy, but it's nice ;-D

anyway, the next 2 are the villains lol

from Harry Potter, acted by Jason Issacs

this was the best pic I could find ^^; I only started liking him later on, I think it's the hair lol & the way he acts too probably, very smooth XD even from the pic, if you don't look so closely at the face, it's his style of dressing that I like too, & his ring wth hahaha yeah, I'm weird... oh, & rather than saying just long hair, I love it when their long hair is that ash blond colour, or even blond, or a fair colour lol but black is fine too ;-D

from Hellboy 2 (it's on the pic), acted by Luke Goss

hehe this is probably the craziest of all (as in, to like this character), but I realised that I'm not the only one or else I wouldn't have been able to get this pic XD anyway, I immediately liked him from the trailer lol & I felt a bit sad for him (the character) after seeing the show... or maybe it was pity, but that's because he was another of those misunderstood kinda villains, the kind where he could've been a good guy, but in the circumstances, he happens to be the bad guy... lots more villains like that that I like, but I doubt they have long hair, let alone blondish lol

most people I were with when I was exclaming that I like this character all gave me a certain kind of look, as well as their opinion that he's ugly haih I can't help disagreeing, because it's just the way his face looks with all that makeup effect, you know, to show as though his face has lines or cracks on it... I see his potential lol wtf

oh, & another person I just remembered was orlando bloom (legolas) in Lord of the Rings. He was probably the 1st long haired character that I like (& ash blond XD) but I also liked him only after a while. Actually, now that I think about it, I was influenced again! lol wth someone liked orlando bloom, & I thought he wasn't bad in Lord of the Rings, then somehow I started liking him because of that ^^; oh well, no harm in liking people, I guess. ;-P

altho I really wanted to blog about this, I started having second thoughts when I saw the pics ^^; but then again, I normally feel that way because everyone's perception is different, & showing these pics may have thrown them in a different light. The question that I'm wondering is whether it was in a good or bad light lol but never mind, I looked at the pics, & I selected which ones I thought looked best. That's the most I can do haih

PS: I really wanted to blog more, cos my exams just finished, but I forgot what I wanted to blog about, except this post wth what is wrong with my memory?!? oh well ;-)

Monday, April 13, 2009

[Tag] Stupid tag

finally I can post this stupid tag! lol I know I'm weird, but actually I did this quite a while ago, but I purposely wanted to post it after I finished the harbin posts ^__^

I feel like I'm the stupid one for doing this tag, but anyway, although it's as though the list is full of stupid things that you may have done (some are stupid, so it's ok), but most of them aren't really stupid, so I'm answering this tag just for the fun of it ;-)

How stupid are you?

You are required to answer ALL the following questions.
Tag 16 people.

99/132 means you scored a distinction for doing stupid things! (although that's not really an achievement hahaha)


Level 1
(x) Smoked A Cigarette
( ) Smoked A Cigar
( ) Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(x) Drank Alcohol


Level 2
(x) Are / Been In Love
( ) Been Dumped
( ) Shoplifted
( ) Been Fired
(x) Been In A Fist Fight

SO FAR: 4 (I'm not sure about the fist fight tho, but it's more like a cat fight lol ^^;)

Level 4
(x) Had A Crush On An Older Person
(x) Skipped School
( ) Slept With A Co-worker
(x) Seen Someone / Something Die

SO FAR: 7 (I'm sure we've all seen insects die at least... no? guess I'm the only evil one around lol)

Level 5
( ) Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends
( ) Been To Paris
( ) Been To Spain
(x) Been On A Plane
() Thrown Up From Drinking


Level 6
(x) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been Snowboarding
( ) Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook
( ) Been in a Mosh Pit


Level 7
( ) Been In An Abusive Relationship
(x) Taken Pain Killers
(x) Love/loved Someone Who You Cant Have
( ) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
( ) Made A Snow Angel

SO FAR: 11 (I'd have liked to have made snow angels ;-( why can't the climate in malaysia have winter *sighs*)

Level 8
(x) Had A Tea Party
(x) Flown A Kite
(x) Built A Sand Castle
( ) Gone mudding
(x) Played Dress Up

SO FAR: 15 (I'm not sure about the tea party or dress up, but I'd count it in. & flying a kite requires quite a bit of skill XD poor person who made this tag probably couldn't do it hahahaha) sore loser

Level 9
( ) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves
( ) Gone Sledging
(x) Cheated While Playing A Game
(x) Been Lonely
(x) Fallen Asleep At Work / School

SO FAR: 18

Level 10
(x) Watched The Sun Set
( ) Felt An Earthquake
( ) Killed A Snake

SO FAR: 19

Level 11
(x) Been Tickled
( ) Been Robbed / Vandalized
( ) Been cheated on
(x) Been Misunderstood

SO FAR: 20

Level 12
( ) Won A Contest
( ) Been Suspended From School
( ) Had Detention
( ) Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident

SO FAR: 20

Level 13
( ) Had / Have Braces
( ) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
( ) Danced in the moonlight

SO FAR: 20

Level 14
( ) Hated The Way You Look
( ) Witnessed A Crime
( ) Pole Danced
(x) Questioned Your Heart
( ) Been obsessed with post-it-notes

SO FAR: 21 (I'm not sure whether I questioned my heart, but I think that's normal, so I counted it in, even though I don't remember any sort of question lol)

Level 15
( ) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
(x) Been Lost
(x) Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
(x) Swam In The Ocean
(x) Felt Like You Were Dying

SO FAR: 25 (it's not that I felt like I was dying, it's that I felt pretty close to death at one part of my life, cos I was in a very dangerous situation, & it's a good thing that I didn't die anyway, even though I could have ^^;)

Level 16
( ) Cried Yourself To Sleep
(x) Played Cops And Robbers
( ) Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
(x) Sang Karaoke
( ) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins

SO FAR: 27

Level 17
(x) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
( ) Made a Prank Phone Call
(x) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose
( ) Kissed In The Rain

SO FAR: 29 (yala, I know I'm pathetic, I laugh until stuff come out of my nose)

Level 18
( ) Written A Letter To Santa Claus
( ) Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise With Someone You Care/Cared About
(x) Blown Bubbles
( ) Made A Bonfire On The Beach or anywhere

SO FAR: 30 (why the same question, what difference does it make whether it's with someone I care or not?) ^^;

Level 19
( ) Crashed A Party
( ) Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
(x) Gone Rollerskating / Blading
( ) Had A Wish Come True
( ) Been Humped By A Monkey

SO FAR: 31 (I think it's obvious the person who made this tag can't play sports

Level 20
(x) Worn Pearls
(x) Jumped Off A Bridge
( ) Swore at the teacher, in front of them
( ) Swam With Dolphins

SO FAR: 33 (I would <3 style="font-family:trebuchet ms;">Level 22
( ) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/ice Cube
( ) Kissed A Fish
(x) Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
( ) Sat On A Roof Top

SO FAR: 34 (I wear trousers, isn't that guy's clothes? wth I wldn't mind sitting on a roof top either lol)

Level 23
( ) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
(x) Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel
( ) Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours
( ) Recently stayed Up for a while talking to someone you care about

SO FAR: 35 (if I can do a cartwheel, what's so hard in doing it one-handed? but I didn't try hard enough, so in the end I couldn't)

Level 24
( ) Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
(x) Climbed A Tree
( ) Had/Been In A Tree House.
( ) Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone

SO FAR: 36 (I don't mind climbing trees, if it wasn't for the fact that there are INSECTS on it! O_o;;)

Level 25
( ) Believed In Ghosts
( ) Have had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes
( ) Gone Streaking
( ) Visited Jail

SO FAR: 36 (what's gone streaking? ^^;)

Level 26
( ) Played Chicken
( ) Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
( ) Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
( ) Broken A Bone
(x) Been Easily Amused

SO FAR: 37 (I think I'm easily amused ;-))

Level 27
( ) Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later
( ) Made A Porn Video/got asked to make one
( ) Caught A Butterfly
(x) Laughed So Hard You Cried
( ) Cried So Hard You Laughed

SO FAR: 38

Level 28
( ) Mooned/Flashed Someone
( ) Had Someone Moon/Flash You
(x) Cheated On A Test
(x) Forgotten Someone's Name
( ) French Braided Someones Hair
( ) Gone Skinny Dipping
( ) Been Kicked Out Of Your House
( ) Tried to hurt yourself

SO FAR: 40 (I'm not sure what moon is, but I know what flash is... & I don't remember people's names easily T_T)

Level 29
(x) Rode A Roller Coaster
(x) Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling
( ) Had A Cavity
( ) Black-Mailed Someone
( ) Been Black Mailed

SO FAR: 42 (I never went scuba-diving, even though I wanted to ;-( snorkeling feels like a milder version, but it's definitely easier, I don't think I can really carry an oxygen tank around ^^;)

Level 31
(x) Been Used
(x) Fell Going Up The Stairs
( ) Licked A Cat
(x) Bitten Someone
( ) Licked Someone

SO FAR: 45 (I'm one of the few people that can trip going up the stairs lol but my hands react very fast, so I don't really fall ;-D & I bit my mum when I was young, got scolded for it ^^;)

Level 32
( ) Been shot at/or at gunpoint
( ) Had sex in the rain
( ) Flattened someones tires
( ) Rode your car/truck until the gas light came on
( ) Got five dollars or less worth of gas

SO FAR: 45

actually, I had a lotta insults in my mind when I was doing this tag, but I felt mean, so I didn't write it down... a few I couldn't resist tho lol ^__^