Friday, October 16, 2009

A driving perspective

I only just realised lately how my way of thinking has changed now that I'm driving.

Supposedly people who drive know when it will be a traffic jam, at which areas & so on. I only know that if I go back later than 5, I'll definitely be slower going back compared to going home earlier. So I try to go back earlier, but sometimes classes prevent me from doing so.

I couldn't help wondering why I didn't notice anything when it was jam when I wasn't driving last time? Obviously it must be because I'm not driving, & it feels so much different driving in a jam compared to sitting in the car in a jam. Both I don't particularly mind, the only difference is that driving is not as relaxing as sitting in the car as a passenger. & my leg sometimes aches (even though my car is not manual)

Also, now that I drive, I start having urges to bang cars & people just because they annoy me. & I'm refraining from saying more because this probably portrays me in a more bad light already. Not that I care. I'm very unfeeling in this kind of circumstances. Especially when seeing some really horrible drivers on the road. Sadly, sometimes I'm a terrible driver too (occasionally!), so I'd understand if someone couldn't stand it & crashed my car or something.

Anyway, I was just kidding about what I said (refer previous paragraph). I'm a nice person (I think?), so I didn't really mean what I said. But it'd be better if we didn't meet on the road cos I WILL PROBABLY KILL YOU. Just kidding haha. Again. Unless you deserve it, then I'd see whether there was a way you'd be punished for whatever you did on the road. You can run but you can't hide. Except if you're the police. Then you're lucky (& I hate you).

Speaking of police, a police car cut into the line at a traffic light today, can you believe that? I don't see why you can't, but it's better not to speak badly about certain people (except in private & in my head, I'm definitely cursing you). And the police car wasn't using the siren or anything, so it should be considered just a normal car. But such is life. C'est la vie (does that make sense? I think I shall be using that phrase more now. It seems to be what I've been saying these days. Better than "never mind", I suppose).

I guess it's kinda funny how someone's perspective would differ depending on whether they're the driver or not. But of course, it'd be better if your perspective didn't change, although it's good to know different perceptions.

I wonder why I always end in this kinda way. But it's hard for me to end another way, so I guess this'll have to do. Maybe it's also cos I don't want to end my posts or something. These days I'm finding it harder to write though. Hopefully I won't get writer's block yet cos I still feel that I have hardly blogged.

Oh ya, public holiday this weekend ^__^ well, only on saturday, but still XD

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