Monday, October 8, 2007


Moral test was held a few days ago... dunno whether passed or not, cos I hardly studied for it, but I think it should be ok... ^^;

but, I did read the textbook a bit, & I couldn't help thinking, if it was a subject that was considered important in our course, I might be more interested in it, but because it is a compulsory thing to take, no matter what course you're in, that irritates me, & that's why I never expected moral to be... not as boring as I expected... ;-P

the 1st thing you will see when you open the textbook is all about ethics, values & morals, the definitions... there are also quite a lot of theories in it, which could be quite interesting, cos they're quite philosophical...

the thing that irritated me at 1st was that the textbook was basically copying quotes mentioned from philosophers & showing both sides of an argument, & after that, giving a conclusion, mainly emphasising that "there is no right or wrong" or sth like that...

but there were some parts I liked, juz that now I can't really remember anymore, & I don't really want to look at the book again, so I'll try to say from what I remember...

hmm, I may be wrong, but there were some parts where it said something like, morality is how you look at it, there is no exact right or wrong (but there are a lot of quotes & what other people say, so there's 2 sides to the argument)... so, in the end, it doesn't really matter, juz do what you feel is right & stuff like that... of course, there are a lot of moral theories supposedly...

anyway, now having to study hard for the next exam, which is quite soon ;-(
life is so depressing at times... T_T;


karyn531 said...

So you went and blogged afterall =P

but of all topics to blog about!!

minasete said...

hey, it's still quite recent ok... ;-P

but yeah, wat a stupid topic, & it's not that recent cos I forgot what I wanted to say lol ^^;

but, I still wanna blog more la, juz that there are so many things to say, but they're all small things that pop up in my head every once in a while... ;-P