Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pixar Studio Video Clips

after doing the tag, I kinda forgot what I wanted to blog ^^; I'm not saying that it's the tag's fault or anything lol it's just that, when I decided to blog, regardless of whether I had the time or not, I just sorta ran out of ideas... especially all the random ones

the thing is, I do feel kinda bad, cos I'm having exams next week, & I'm still slacking T_T but it's kinda irritating, these internal exams... I just had it 3 weeks ago, & after this exam, I'll be having another one 3 weeks after that >_> hopefully, it does help tho, cos I'm sick of exams... well, at least there'll be a public hol after this exam *__* I <3 hols XD

anyway, I managed to get an idea of sth to blog, because recently I juz extracted some video to share with ppl, which was what I wanted to do for a long time, but was lazy... so I thot I'd upload it as well ;-) but then I changed my mind bcos it'll be copyrighted & stuff, so I juz looked for it on youtube lol

this is Lifted... the 1st one I watched... it's funny, but I feel it's sadistic at the same time ^^;

this is geri's game... it's ok, not that funny in a slapstick way, but I thot it was quite interesting...

this is one man brand... the only one I saw long ago actually... I thot the girl was funny, & it was not bad also... especially the end ^^

& this is my fav. , for the birds XD cos the birds are cute & funny, & they remind me of human nature, & I liked the other big bird in it too, but I felt the birds were kinda mean, so there was justice in the end lol

& that's it... I hear thunder edi O_O;;;; hope you enjoyed the comedy~ ;-)


karyn531 said...

The 1st one I watched before ... I will always remember it as TGV's fiasco during the screening of Ratatouille. First came the ads, then more ads, then BLANK SCREEN. For so long everyone knew something is not right. And I'm sure I'm not the only person who went out to complain. Then this Pixar cartoon came. It was really funny =) That stupid little frog is always making mistakes HAHAHAHAHA. Poor fella they experimented on. You know what it reminds me of now? Driving test wtf hahaha.

#2 I've never watched before. The whole thing is just sad. Sad, lonely old man with split personalities T__T Do you know I'd rather visit an old folk's home than an orphanage hmph. But of course I was the only one whose mind works this way in Moral Studies class last time hmph.

#3 I've never watched before either, but it's really familiar, I'm very sure I didn't dream out anything similar to this, so it must be another non-cartoon version I watched la. Don't think I read about it, it wouldn't have the same impact on paper as it does on screen ^_^

#4 Isn't my favourite, because my favourite wasn't in your list ;p

My favourite is Presto the Magician, and his cute bunny in the hat ^_^ Have you watched it?

minasete said...

lol yeah I was reminded of the driving test too ;-P

well, I prefer orphanages, but tat's bcos I'm scared of old ppl wth T_T srsly, I dunno which is worse, crazy old ppl, or the down syndrome kinda children >_>