As you can see from the title, that’s what it’s gonna be. Actually, although you may not know it, I like these kinda topics a lot, but it’s not very nice to be judgmental on someone’s appearances, right? But that’s the thing about blogging, I don’t have to care about whether I’m being nice or not hahahaha ;-P but I’m still not as mean online as I am offline though, I’m not sure why. Probably because I don’t want to be so mean anyway, but I don’t think what I’m doing now is mean, so I shall just do what I like in my blog without caring about the consequences lol.
The only thing that I don’t dare do in my blog is criticize my own country, not only because I don’t feel the need to voice out what I think, but because I wouldn’t want to get into trouble (since I heard someone got arrested for doing that, even blogs can be dangerous wth).
Anyway, what am I delaying the tag for? So, let’s start. This is the rules of the tag:
01. Compose a list of YOUR top ten sexiest famous men.
02. Collect one picture of each guy on your list.
03. Post them in your journal.
04. Tag five people to do the same.
It’s too bad it’s only one pic, but it’s probably to keep the fangirling at bay lol. Anyway, first, let me clearly say this. Since this tag is about sexy ppl, & I don’t normally feel that they’re that sexy enough to attract me (women are such cold creatures nowadays lol), this tag was much harder than I thought ^^; Because to me, a sexy person, whether a guy or a girl, is someone who has a sexy body (basically what would appeal to an average person of the opposite sex) & a good-looking face to match the body. A sexy guy in my opinion is much better looking & attractive than a cute guy (which is most of the time, just a nice face). So, most of the guys that I see, I may consider cute at the most, but rarely do I see someone who I think is sexy. That’s why it took me a considerable time to do this tag, which became a heavy burden after a while ^^;
I wonder how many ppl can recognise this person? XD in case u didn't know, he's Heath Ledger. ^__^ he’s my latest obsession rite now, & if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have posted this so fast (well, not exactly fast, but if it wasn’t because of him, I would’ve posted this much, much later). But I decided to post more about him on a separate post (at first I just wanted to write about him here, but I wrote a lot, so I decided to separate it lol ^^; ). All I will say is that the 1st time I noticed him was when I saw Casanova. It was in 2006 in the Australian airplane, & my first impression of him was that “he didn’t look that great”, but I fell in love (I’m jokingly saying this, just in case you don’t know ;-P) with him by the end of the show lol (it’s the character that I fell in love with tho XP). & because he’s my latest obsession, he was actually the 10th person I thought of for this tag ^^; yeah, I’ve been thinking of who to put for the 10 guys since may wth. Which shows that there are either too few hot guys in this world, or that I know too few people, or that my taste is a bit weird, or something like that. But it was seriously harder than I thought to think of 10 guys (suddenly seemed like such a big number) although I thought this tag was easy, but I guess my standards are sort of high ;-P
Ok, next person. I’m not sure who was the 1st person I thought of when I heard about this tag, but I decided to put this guy’s pic 1st.
You see, he’s the first actor that really attracted me when I was younger. I was so enamored by him after that show, that I checked the credits (my 2nd time doing that, I remembered who my 1st was), & I googled his name, Michael Vartan (also my first time doing that). & so I decided to use a pic that I collected that time, but also because I couldn’t really find any better ones from that particular movie, kinda strange ^^;
3rd guy.
Before I was filled with thoughts about Heath Ledger, generally, whenever I give a comment about who I think is the best looking actor, I’d always say without hesitation, “Orlando Bloom.” & that’s because after seeing a lot of movies of him, I seriously think that. & the 1st time I noticed him was in Lord Of The Rings as Legolas (although now thinking about it, actually it was Wei Qi that mentioned him so much that I got curious lol ;-P) & to be honest, I like elf ears XD so I thought that was cute. Well, he is kinda cute, but I’d label him as sexy as the same time, even if he may not be. I mean, it’s like, some ppl would call this guy or that guy sexy (for eg. George Clooney. I definitely think he’s NOT sexy lol XP), but I don’t think they’re sexy. & although I may think of him as sexy, I can’t really give a reason for it, & even if I could, I’d rather not mention my own opinion in public ^^; you see, everytime I think of “Orlando Bloom” & “sexy” at the same time, it reminded me of that time when I read the newspaper article about Pirates Of The Caribbean, & the comment about him was something about “so hot & sexy as a drenched or soaking pirate” T_T because he was wet in that pic, & most of the time I’m not attracted to pics of guys dripping with water or sweat ^^; But anyway, he’s sexier to me dry than wet lol ;-P
4th guy.
He is someone I like a lot, even till now, & as much as Heath Ledger, or rather before Heath Ledger came into my mind ^^; I love to see Johnny Depp act, especially as those eccentric ppl, & I’m his fan basically (you could say I’m a fan of Johnny Depp & Orlando Bloom ^__^). The thing is, I found him the sexiest in the Pirates Of The Caribbean (that may seem weird) & the most amusing compared to his other roles. This pic of him is quite funny, cos it reminds me of how he acts in it ^__^ & just to let you know, I think Orlando Bloom’s better looking, but out of the two, I’d choose Johnny Depp lol XP & I found it really funny when Keira Knightley kissed Johnny Depp & Orlando Bloom saw it, I was like, “OMG! XD” So before I consider Heath Ledger, my two sexiest & favourite actors would be Johnny Depp, then Orlando Bloom, but now I’d put Heath Ledger as number one hahahahaha ;-P
Ok, 5th guy.
This is one of the guys that in my opinion I felt is sexy, even though I didn’t know him, compared to the other actors that I liked after watching them act. It’s actually this guy that got me all interested in DBSK, & his stage name is Hero. I won’t tell you his real name cos I think you’d find his stage name easier to remember, & if you’re really interested, you should find it out yourself, just like I did lol. But I wasn’t so smart in finding out, I should’ve gone to wikipedia first, now my habit seems to be to always check wikipedia first ^^; & I put this pic because it was him in this outfit & hairstyle that attracted me, because when I started looking for pics of him last time, I noticed him in other outfits & hairstyles, & for some of them I couldn’t help thinking that if I saw him like that, I wouldn’t be interested in him ^^; so it’s true how much difference hairstyle & clothes make, & after seeing him in every single other clothes & hairstyle, this is still my favourite style of look XD it’s obviously a certain style, & I’d consider it as quite lala, but yeah, the kinda style I like is the lala kind ^^; if anyone doesn’t know what lala kind is, I’d be more than happy to post it as a separate post XP
6th guy.
You can ignore that stupid thing ^^; Also a Korean, just like the 5th guy. They were the only 2 Asian guys in my list that I considered sexy, & I found it funny that they were both Korean. I wanted to put a Japanese guy, but I could never think of them as sexy, at the most I just think they’re good-looking, or cute, but they’re more of an ok look to me, & I like a number of them, but since this tag is about top ten sexy & not which famous men you like, I felt it would be unfair to put them on the list ^^; Anyway, this guy’s name is Lee Jun Ki, for those who didn’t know. He’s the only guy that I found sexy from watching Korean dramas & movies (I never really liked how the other guys look, as in, my 1st impression is always “not nice” although I do like them during & by the end of the show haha). & there was a great deal of talk about him, because he acted in this movie, The King’s Man, which won an award, so I was curious. So I was determined to see the show, & when I saw it, I realised it was gay hahahahaha ^__^ & he was acting as a guy that looks feminine, & when I saw him on the cover, I couldn’t even recognise him! but his acting skills were not bad, I quite liked it, & because I saw the drama before seeing this movie, my 1st impression of him was that he was good-looking, but like I said, probably only the 5th guy is what I felt as sexy ^^; the other guys are just because of my bias opinion
7th guy.
At that time when I heard about this tag, I was thinking about this actor at that time, because I saw the show “Labyrinth” & he was acting in it. & I really liked him in that role, & I also think he’s sexy, just that, when I searched for pics of him, they weren’t very nice ;-( he only looked sexy in this role with the makeup & outfit ^^; nevertheless, I still think he’s sexy, but only in this role, so I thought it was fair enough to put him in ;-) anyway, I thought I’d say a bit about this role, even if ppl may find me weird after this. It’s just that he was acting as the Goblin King (actually I’d prefer demons, but it’s still in that kind of category, & he doesn’t look like a goblin at all! XD), & he sorta falls in love with the heroine of the story, but he’s actually the villain, so there’s no way they’d be together, but I wouldn’t consider him as the villain, because he was doing what she wanted, but what she wanted was wrong (or she didn’t really mean it anyway), so she actually didn’t want him to do it, so it’s not his fault. & I like the idea of vampires with humans, as long as they have a happy ending (which is normally impossible T_T), but I just wanna say this (& don’t freak out) that I read a very nice comic about the King Of Demons with a normal human, & actually the king of demons was the devil, but they sorta lived happily ever after, in Hell, of course. & he protected her a lot ^__^ but enough of that, I don’t wanna go into too much details ^^;
8th guy.I’m still his fan, even though I didn’t realise it for some time last time. At least it’s a moving picture (yay! XD) I liked him the best in that white outfit ;-) I can’t imagine anyone who doesn’t know him, but maybe I’m making too big a deal out of him, & he’s just a singer who can dance well anyway. Maybe I’ve been influenced by my sis, but probably it was just coincidence that I liked his songs & videos, even though it was my sis that listened to him first, & I couldn’t help listening to him at that time. But anyway, I really liked his music videos a lot & I still do, so he was probably the 1st or one of the few guys (as in, singer) that I liked at an early age (around 8 or 9).
9th guy.
This was when I was running out of ideas, & I was trying to think of any guy that I liked from movies, & I was going through all the movies (in my head) starting from when I was young, & one of them (probably the most liked character) was this guy. I used to see that movie lots of times (I think at least 100 times lol ^^; ), it’s called “Pride & Prejudice” & he, is obviously Mr. Darcy XD His real name is David Rintoul, & he looked very fine in that show ^__^ I think he acted his role quite well, but he was the 1st actor that I was curious to know his real name, & I looked at the credits for my 1st time. But at that time, there wasn’t really any Internet yet, so I’d just remember his name. ^^ I guess, what I liked the best was, from such a serious & haughty face, in the later part of the show, he’d smile more & be much more pleasant, but I wouldn’t call him sexy either, so you could say that this list isn’t really my top ten sexiest men ^^;
10th guy.
As you can see, his name is on the pic, & yeah, although it was the best I could find, it’s the worst pic in my whole list, to be honest ;-( Actually, he’s the 9th guy I thought of, & it was quite a lame choice, but I was running out of sexy men lol ^^; You see, I don’t remember who was the actor that I saw doing Zorro, but when I saw Zorro, it was around 1997, & it was a TV series, & I’d have sorta romantic fantasies at that time of Zorro on his horse, sweeping me off my feet, stuff like that hahahaha ^^; So, you could say that at that time, I really liked Zorro a lot, & I would consider him sexy, but it’s still just a character, or rather, a guy with a mask, & thinking about it, when someone covers their face with a mask, then it’s harder to see their flaws & easier to glorify them.
Anyway, after doing all this & looking back, I couldn’t help thinking that if anyone were to read this post, they’d be feeling & reacting the same way I did when I read the post of the person who tagged me; either laughing until my sides ached XP or thinking sth like, “eww” ^^; you see, like her, I realised that the guys who I put as sexy, most of them aren’t really because they’re sexy (& if I think they are, some ppl may not agree so easily because these guys may not be their idea of sexy), but because of my fond memories of them, & you could say, soft spot. As in, I think most of them are sexy because when I see them singing, or acting, or dancing (basically, moving), it appeals to me obviously, so whoever who started this tag should have made the requirement to put videos rather than pics. I mean, if you wanna put pics of sexy guys so much, the tag should have been “the 10 most photogenic guys” or something like that ;-P
& I sorta realised that I didn’t really put any nice sexy pics of men here, but that’s because I’d rather look at the face than the body, & if he had both, it’d be hard for me to focus on his face only lol XP so I thought I’d put just one pic here of what my general view on sexy men is like (& pls don’t laugh at me, I’m just being typical here) ^^;
I think it's funny & stupid at the same time when they try to push down their pants a bit, but anyway, it was so hard to find to find a nice pic of a general sexy guy that I thought that this will do. I prefer the guy with the necklace, including his face lol XP Generally, I think abs or a flat stomach is sexy, & although I don't mind muscles, I'd prefer if it wasn't overdone ^^; & I don't really share the same enthusiasms as other girls about guy's asses, cos I feel that as long as they're flat, that's fine ^^;
wth I wrote so long T_T well, at least I wrote most of my thoughts ;-)oh, I forgot, I had to tag 5 ppl ^^;
1. my sis, Evelyn (I know you read my blog, & I thought it'd be fun for you if ever you're bored, but if you feel that someone's gonna get jealous then better not ;-P)2. LadyVanity (unless u did it before)
3. weiqi
4. venuga
5. whoever who's interested, as long as you pass the post link to me to laugh at ;-P
Next post: HL!!! XD XD XD
Hi, I'm KARYN and this is a compilation of comments - I'm commenting as I read so you'll realise I don't know what comes after each separate comment so you'll get my reactions almost as though I'm reading next to you lolol.
*Before reading* Two guys I KNEW definitely would be there was Health Ledger *big surprise wth lol* and of course, Johnny Depp!!!
*After 1st pic* You didn't introduce him as Health Ledger la! I mean, I know it's HL, but who else would! Unless if you don't intend them to wth lol. And all you said was you wondered how many people can recognise him. Of course I did NOT recognise him! He doesn't even look like the Joker! That THING behind him look more like Joker than he does okay. HAHAHA. Is it really Health Ledger who acted as the Joker wth lol.
*After 3rd & 4th pic* WHERE'S THE 2ND???? Looks like a chunk is missing, did it go into a black hole when you copy pasted from Micosoft Word lol. And NOW you talk about HL! But you didn't say the guy in the 1st pic is HL! I mean, he's HL rite?? XD
But you know what, at first, when I saw that you put Orlando Bloom as 3rd and Johnny Depp as 4th, I was going to say, "WTH but I thought you were more into Johnny Depp!!!!!!!!!! O___o Then you said out of the two, you'd choose Johnny Depp. So why is he 4th not 3rd huh huh huh?? ;p
Btw someone I know once said that Legolas (as per LOTR) looked so GAY with the long hair & dunno wat else (don't say 'WAT?!' hehe) and it's nothing against the actor himself it's just how they made him look as Legolas.
*At 5th pic* Then next was Hero, and at first I thought it was Lee Jun-Ki wth. I swear that these feminine-looking guys all look the same if you don't look closely. Hahaha.
*6th pic* My goodness 6th is Lee Jun-Ki!!! WTH!!!!! Asianhunk yeah rite hahahahaha. You know, I think as long as they're Asian, and they're guys, and they're in showbiz, they're "Asian Hunks". *snorts with laughter*
*7th* Now this pic really made my jaw drop okay. He looks more like a lion than a man hahahahaha no la maybe only a bit like a lion lol. His HAIR. Okay FINE I haven't watched Pan's Labyrinth! Stop reminding me! ;p
(I didn't know goblins look like lions. I thought they were ugly - er, "people" is not the correct word. How can a bunch of ugly goblins have a hot leader it's unnatural ;p)
Yeah, demon-human r/s sounds more plausible than goblin-human r/s, which just sounds plain ... wrong ;p
*8th* The only thing I have to say about him is that at least he admits he had plastic surgery ;p And that, happens, to be to his credit ^___^
*9th* What about his friend? Mr. Bingley?
*10th* That pic is redundant. Can't even see his face ;p
Unquestionably Zorro, that mask is unmistakeable XD and I love the theme song!
Er, to quote you, "Zorro on his horse, sweeping me off my heat" - the word "heat" is obviously some kinda typo, but before I came to the word "feet" I thought "head" and WTH you knew I hate scenes whereby they chop off people's heads lol. How did feet become heat LOL i know it rhymes but still hahahahahaha.
*sexy men pic* THEY LOOK GAY. IS SEXY = GAY now? XDXD
Oh btw I want to say something to Enya's sis Evelyn too. Just a suggestion. If you think someone's gonna get jealous, and that someone is your bf, I dunno, you could put him as #1 like wat the person who tagged me did. Or just don't do it in sequence lol or do the sequence backwards, even better lol. I tagged Enya, btw. I bet she said "Eww" about some of the 10 guys I selected! I didn't to hers! ;p
I know I already replied you face-to-face, but I thought I'd juz sorta reply again here, just for the sake of it, so you don't have to read it...
I'm glad you know me so well XD now my fav. actors are Heath Ledger & Johnny Depp!!! ^__^ before that, it was just Johnny Depp, & maybe Orlando Bloom... haha guess my feelings for Orlando Bloom faded away ;-P
& it's too bad u didn't see the 1st pic, & got all confused ^^; it's partly my fault for not introducing them, but I didn't really want to give a std introduction for all of them ^^; but ur comments were nonetheless funny, esp the black hole thing hahahaha XP
& I put Orlando Bloom as 3rd because I noticed & started liking him before Johnny Depp, although now I prefer Johnny Depp because of his acting, even if he acts in strange shows like Sweeney Todd (he reminds me a bit of Heath Ledger, the kind who'd wanna take up a challenge in acting ^^), but also I think that Orlando Bloom looks better (sexier or whatever la) compared to Johnny Depp... ^^;
& I liked Orlando Bloom even at that time when my frens were saying he was gay anyway, so it doesn't really make a difference to me ;-P but since I like long hair, I guess maybe that was my weak point...? hahaha ;-D
it's because you don't have a preference towards feminine looking guys that you think they all look the same ;-P whereas for me, I never thought they were feminine, because if I thought that, I wouldn't like them either ^^; so it's strange what ppl perceive lol ;-)
noooo~ *rusellpetersstyle* I hope the Asianhunk standards aren't as low as that! XP I mean, I understand that everyone has different taste & all that, but still! some guys should never be considered as good-looking if they're just not ;-P
& I wasn't trying to remind u about Pan's Labyrinth, perasan~ ;-P it's totally different anyway, I must admit that Pan's Labyrinth scared me a bit at some parts, but it's more violent anyway, whereas the Labyrinth is like an adventure story, & cos it's quite an old show, the special effects were not much, but I still like the show ^__^
I used to keep on getting it wrong & thinking that he was the Demon King & I'd be harshly brought back to the truth that it was Goblin King, & I sorta felt the same way as u, but I guess it's just that if u saw the show, u'd see other creatures that are neither goblins nor humans, so probably he was the only human-form creature that was the strongest in that place... reminds me of sth, but I can't rmb what, but it was a similar concept where the strongest wld be the ones in the human form, whereas the others may be in animal form or sth like that, haih, I wish I could recall it ^^;
Mr. Bingley didn't look so nice, & besides, he's just meant to be a nice guy, & I can't help feeling there are lots of nice guys in other shows if you look for them ;-P dun really leave an impact with you tho, unless there's sth u particularly liked about them...
& that's the point of having his mask, since he's Zorro, & like I said, I liked the masked character who SHOULD look sexy & good-looking when he takes off his mask (like what all the other superheros should look like too), but alas! not so in real life ^^;
LOL thanx for the typo, u made me feel like an idiot XP but no harm done, I dun think anyone saw it other than u hehehe ;-P
WTH they look GAY?!?!?!? when u say that, I can't help wondering whether I get attracted to gay men, which irritates me a bit cos it's not really a good thing, & because my dad was mentioning the consequences of liking to read gay comics, & his eg was sth like marrying a gay man & being ok with it (& he was thinking of anwar wth >_>)... anyway, obviously I din think they were gay, or else I would've put another pic there ;-P
& I didn't say eww to any of your guys either, so we're even ;-)
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